VPV Trading Ostrava a.s.

The company has long-term business experience in the field of leasing of offices and rental of non-residential premises. All rented facilities include large car parks with a sufficient number of parking spaces, both for tenants and their customers, as we believe that the seamless accessibility to the business is one of the top priorities for the business activities of our tenants.

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VPV Trading Ostrava a.s.

Our company VPV Trading Ostrava has been engaged in the lease of non-residential premises for companies and individuals for many years and benefit from its experience which is returned to our tenants (customers) in the form of quality of services, maintainance and support. What can we offer for you, a potential new tenant?

Long-term experience with leasing of non-residential premises
• We offer a large car park premises with allocated parking spaces
• Excellent accessibility in the centre of Ostrava
• No intermediary commissions
• Interesting price offers
• Quality service and support
• Satisfied tenant is our priority




VPV Trading Ostrava a.s.

Masná 1324/1,
702 00 Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava
IČ: 25845543,
DIČ: CZ25845543

Mobil: 603 234 320
E-mail: office@vpvtrading.cz

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