The joint-stock company RUDOLF JELÍNEK is engaged in the production of alcoholic beverages, especially spirits. The tradition of fruit spirits production in Vizovice dates back to the year 1585. The company itself was founded at the end of the last century, in the year 1894.
The company's products are well known in all parts of the Czech Republic but also in the world. The tradition of exporting products abroad, which Rudolf Jelínek started by exporting kosher spirits to the overseas markets in the USA already in 1934, continues in the company also now.
The company's flagship is a Slivovice brand, produced in several variants (white, gold, Jubilee, Kosher, etc.) It also produces branded fruit spirits of the highest quality such as pear brandy, apricot brandy, cherry or Jablkovice
Premium products are kosher spirits, in the manufacture of which has not been used raw materials, production facilities and procedures that would contradict the rules of the Jewish faith. Production of kosher spirits is carried out under the supervision of a representative of the Orthodox Union of American rabbis. The Kosher certificate granted by the American Orthodox Union confirms the highest quality of this spirit.
In 2003, the company started planting its own plum orchards on the southern hillside of the Vizovice Valley, in a region called Těchlov. After five years reaped the first crop of vizovické plums and began a new tradition – the production of a limited series of Vizovice slivovice.

At the end of 2013, it extended the area of its orchards and now has available 60 hectares of plum orchards in Vizovice, 20 hectares of plum and cherry orchards in Kostelany and 80 hectares of apricot orchards in South Moravia.


Razov 472
763 12 Vizovice

IČO: 49971361
zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném
Krajským soudem v Brně, spisová značka 1253

GPS: N49°12'53.38" E17°50'17.39

Tel: +420 577 686 120
Eshop: +420 702 292 547
Pěstitelská pálenice: +420 577 686 180

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